Submission Dispatch and Archival:

Masuu’s experts ensure that every submission is handled with precision and care, providing reliable dispatch and thorough archival services as central repository for future accessibility and life-cycle management.

Our comprehensive services include:
  • Secure Dispatch:
    Once dossier compiled, published, validated and verified, the submission is securely dispatched to the relevant health authorities using electronic submission portals such Electronic Submission Gateway (ESG), Canada Electronic Submission Gateway (CESG), Common European Submission Platform (CESP), Saudi Drug Registration (SDR), TGA electronic Business Services (eBS), EMA eSubmission Gateway, eJDWS (JFDA Drug Workflow System) etc.
  • Archiving and Retrieval:
    The entire submission package (sequences), including final documents and metadata, is archived to ensure easy retrieval for future submissions or regulatory audits.
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